Monday, June 02, 2008

My first day of school!

Oh how exciting it was. I felt like I was in Kindergarten all over again. I was very anxious and couldn't sleep last night. Finally at around 2:30am I fell asleep. I jumped out of bed at the first beep of my alarm. I took a shower and was on my way to class. My class started at 8am and I was stumbling numbly to school when I noticed I was the only one around. I literally saw less than five people on the fifteen minute walk to class. I started to get nervous all over again. Would I be the only one in the junior transfer program? "I won't meet anyone and this whole summer quarter..." "...I'm lonely and depressed, waaaaaaaahh." Then I got to class and everything was alright.
The class was a cozy 15. Our teacher, Dan Larkin seems like a good college professor, complete with swearing and a receding hairline. He went over the syllabus and then had us all get into a circle. We introduced ourselves, explained we were from and each told a exciting experience that had happened in the last three days. After our introduction, we went on break.
Six of us wondered around campus, getting ID cards, and changing our food plans. Six turned into four and we toured the gym and underground tunnels before having lunch. I split away from the group to get my bicycle from a friend. I had it shipped to his house before I left LA.
After our boring afternoon demo, I hung out with another transfer student, Evan, that lives in the same dorm building as me.
Evan and I worked on our first assignment and then went to eat. For some strange reason, all of the restaurants, if you could call them that, close at 6pm. Lucky, for me, Evan brought his car from Connecticut and we went searching for food. We found the Pita Pit, think subway-but pitas instead of sammies. It was a good satisfying dinner.
Now I am back at school in the computer lab, no I still have not gotten my computer to work in my room. This will do for now. Oh, and today was a really beautiful Cali-esk day. Blue skys, white billowing clouds, and a cool breeze.

ps. here is a video of me and my room

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