Sunday, June 08, 2008

Lake Ontario

Saturday, after my first fantastic Rochester BBQ, the Photo4 kids headed to the "beach". This so called beach belongs to Ontario Lake. This was my first time going to a beach lake, let alone going to Ontario Lake. For us Californians, beaches have always been near the ocean. Although the "lake beach" looks almost exactly the same as a "ocean beach", there are a few fundamental differences. The first and craziest, there are no waves. Whats a beach with no waves?! This completely blew my mind. Without waves, a beach looks like a, uhh, lake. What gives? I expected a giant tsunami to appear in the distance, a humongous wave making up for the lack of other waves. The second difference was that there is no off shore drop off. People were standing quite a ways out, with water only up to their waists. This lack of depth combined with the flatness of the lake was a very creepy feeling. My senses were heightened and I felt like something terrible was about to happen. I was almost offended at the thought of this lake imitating an ocean. Who is this so called "lake"? How deep are you? How are you able to emulate my beloved ocean? Who do you think you are?

Although, Lake Ontario is quite beautiful and there is a small "lake breeze", it is nothing like a beautiful California beach. The relaxing purr of the waves crashing can just lull you to sleep. I don't feel right about just calling Lake Ontario's sand a beach, this implies ocean. It's correct title will be "lake beach". Just "beach" is reserved for California, in all is golden glory.

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