Amy Elkins posted this great post about her lulls in work. I totally feeling the way she does. But I am in the flow. With ebbs sure to come.
On with the ramble. I've been falling in and out of pouring thoughts over photography and pulling away from photo all together. Being an active artist/photographer has such unpredictable ebbs and flows. In order to put 100% in, it seems you sometimes have to pull 100% back to stop and look at where you are. Perhaps this is all babble that others don't relate to, but lately I've just really felt the strain of wanting to produce new work beyond the capacity I'm able to. In shooting lulls I've found such importance in looking back at work and reconsidering it. I've been revisiting negatives in the darkroom, reworking my site, my commercial book, rewriting statements, rethinking projects, making brainstorm trees and sketches. I've been reading, writing, watching for inspiration. It becomes so easy to want to shoot, shoot, shoot. I think often all these steps before and after get neglected due to time restraints. Curious what others do when the lull hits. It's been a long winter after all. I find the light is just now shifting to what I desire. That long stretching warm light is so much nicer than the cyan cast of cold weather.
Her scrambled thoughts in her brain's pan are perfectly described. I have so much going on in my brain and it feels amazing. The project that has me going most is the new zine I am printing. My first zine, I cant do this anymore, was printed at the end of last quarter as an emotional cleansing. My heart was broken and I needed something to pour into. It turned out decently and did the job I needed it to - a breath of fresh air. The great feelings it gave me and the positive response I got encouraged me to spring into action. Sleeps For Dreamers was born. An all black and white street photo issue brought photographers from across the US together. Think of it as having a dream with shock and awe as the theme. I learned a lot from the first time around and made the improvements. The satisfaction is overflowing in my brain. Stayed tuned for the America issue. If you would like a copy of Sleeps For Dreamers. Send me an email,