Saturday, September 13, 2008


My dad is in Africa and it sounds like he is on quite the adventure. Forget the part about writing emails from his blackberry.

Dear Family + Friends
There is no cell phone or email here. It is only reachable by bush plane. Babboon troops climb over the spacious tents. They bark and scream at certain times of the day and night. Elephants roam the ground. Hippos are 100 yrds away in the lagoon. It is so dangerous at night the guides escort the guest to their tents.

We were within feet of a lion chase and kill at wart hog, and start eating away. It pulled the intestines out like a long sausage and slurped it up. After it had its full, it brought it 2 cubs from hiding to the kill - and the have bee there for a couple of days.

Giraffes cross the endless savannah of high grass. We were in the middle of a herd of Cape Buffalo that stretched as far as the eye could see - 1000 or 5000 - too many to count.

The bird life here is abundant. I have see 75 of the 400 species that live here. Fish eagles, snake hawks, horbills, egrets ,heron, ducks, kites, Egyptian geese, bulbuls, bou bous - on and on

They have camp fires in the early morning before the game drive. They cook porridge - cream of wheat in iron pots over the fire and fresh baked muffins with coffee, tea or hot chocolate. After a 4 + hour jeep trip into the game park, we come back to brunch with yogurt, fruit salad, eggs, bacon, etc. Then high tea at 3:30 - pizza, fruit, cheese. A boat trip or evening game drive at 4pm, drinks and more hor d'oerves at some remote pool with hippos And crocs for entertainment. We return at 8:30 pm to supper - a buffet with meat veges etc and dessert, as if you need more food.
People are pretty exhausted, so after chatting, we head to bed. The staff eats dinner at long table with the guests.
I am getting used to this pace. Off to the Palace at Lost City and golf. I return on Monday eve, fly to SF on Tues, return Tues night, in the offices Tues. A.m - at least that is the plan! See you soon.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


Unknown said...
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Shalini said...

Hippos and Lions in their natural environment, how exhilarating! I wonder if it's like a day at the zoo for them and they're really just people watching?

Dwena said...

Wow your dad is poetic.
Way to go Peta Walza!